Danes sem prvič probal delat na Voigtlander Avus, sicer edina stvar s katerom sem lahko poskušal je bil fotopapir. Razvijal sem ga z
wineol. Za prvič sem zadovoljen, bo drugič bolše ko bo več časa.

Today I tried to work with the Voigtlander Avus, the only thing with which I could try something was photographic paper. I developed it with wineol. For a first try I'm more than pleased, when I'll try it again I have to take my time and I hope it will be better.

Za začetek pozdrav vsem kateri ste oz. še boste obiskali tale blog.

Namen tega bloga bo redno poročanje/ prikazovanje projektov, fotografij katere bom ustvaril.
Vse fotografije bodo analogne torej klasični film pa naj bo to 35mm, 120 pa vse do tehnike mokrega kolodija ("Krivec" za navdušenje nad mokrim kolodijem je fotograf Borut Peterlin (
spletna stran, blog)). Razvijalci bodo vsi eksperimentalni ( caffenol, wineol...in vse kar mi bo prišlo pod roke).

Zaenkrat imam te 3 lepotce delujoče za fotografirat:
Fed 3 - 35mm film

Flexaret - 120 film

Voigtlander Avus - 9×11.7 plošča/plate

Greetings to everyone who visited or yet will visit my blog.

The purpose of this blow will be showcasing and reporting of my projects/pictures made in the analog( film) world of photography. Every picture will be strictly made from a film camera. I will make the pictures on 35mm film, 120 film...I'll even try to make some wet plate collodion ( The guilty one for my interest in wet plate collodion is photographer Borut Peterlin ( spletna stran, blog)). Every developer I use will be homemade ( caffenol, wineol....and everything else I get my hands on).
The three cameras that are present on the pictures above are the ones the most of the pictures will come from.